What to Expect

- We aim to be a vibrant, authentic and relevant church.
- Children and youth are a key priority for our church.
- We expect to enjoy lively, Spirit filled worship
- We enjoy Bible based preaching that makes the truth of the Bible relevant to everyday life.
- We would love you to join us for tea/coffee at the end of the service.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time do i need to arrive?
We recommend you arrive 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Where do i park?
Secure parking is provided at both sites outside the church building.
What do I wear?
You are welcome exactly as you are. Some people will be in shirt and tie, others in jeans and t-shirt – you can dress up or dress down as you feel comfortable.
Where do I sit?
You can pick any seat of your choice – wherever you feel comfortable. The Welcome Team will help you if you are struggling to find a seat.
How long is the service?
Our services are approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours long.
What will my children do during the service?
We have an outstanding children’s team who will care for and teach your children during the service. Children will be with you for the first few worship songs before they leave the main hall for their classes.